Most of the time when a new patient walks into our wellness center, it is because they are in some type of pain. That is why we have established a Three-Phase program at Ten Oaks Health and Wellness; the first phase being pain relief. During the first phase, we typically recommend that you come in two to three times a week while we work to reduce your pain and symptoms.

A few examples of the Phase 1 conditions we treat include:

  • Arthritis
  • Joint pain
  • Spinal pain
  • Car Accidents
  • Sports injuries
  • Lower back pain
  • Back and neck pain

Although we are working to help quickly eliminate the pain you experience, we also want to get to the bottom of the underlying condition. Pain is a sign that you are not in optimum health, which is why we strive to help improve your overall health and wellness in our next phases.

Suffering from Chronic Pain?

Let us help you regain health and enjoy a higher quality of life


Achieving Optimum Health

Corrective care is the second phase of our treatment plan at Ten Oaks Health and Wellness. After we have worked with you to relieve you of the pain which ails you in phase one, we continue to our next step which is working towards improving your health. Our Howard County chiropractors and staff take many different steps to help ensure your symptoms will not return.

A few of the steps which may be involved in our corrective care phrase include:

  • Determining if there are any deficiencies
  • Working with you to improve your condition
  • Using exercises and stretches to help you heal and support your body

Our corrective care phase is where we focus on restoration. Although you may not need to receive adjustments as frequently, it is important to continue the steps towards total wellness.

Suffering from Chronic Pain?

Let us help you regain health and enjoy a higher quality of life


Many people falsely believe that the lack of pain or symptoms means you are healthy. Once we have healed you of your ailments and corrected any existing problems, you can choose to continue coming into our wellness center for treatment. At Ten Oaks Health and Wellness, we encourage our patients to continue with their chiropractic, exercise, nutrition, and supportive health programs.

We encourage you to make the following a routine part of your life:

  • Supportive Chiropractic Care
  • Nutritional Health
  • Exercise and Stabilization
  • Restorative Rest and Relaxation

Taking care of your body requires attention and maintenance in order to lead a healthy and happy life. The more preventive care you take, the better chance you have of avoiding illness and pain in the future.

Ten Oaks Health and Wellness’s mission is to provide optimum natural healthcare to members of our community while positively impacting the health of our world with the knowledge that maintenance of high-level health is far superior than the treatment of disease. Dr. Glenn Molin and the entire Ten Oaks Health and Wellness team are honored to work with you along the path in increased health and vitality. Please call our office today at 443-583-0225 to schedule some special time to learn more.